Roin Morigeau_No.6.jpg

IN RESPONSE No. 6 | clay brick, metal mesh, mirror | 8 x 8 x 8 inches | 2020


Saranac Art Projects - Sept 2020

Bryon Oliver Gallery - Feb 20201

The human body is a constrained palette consisting of 11 elements: oxygen, carbon, hydrogen, nitrogen, calcium, and phosphorus, potassium, sulfur, sodium, chlorine, and magnesium. All 11 are essential to human life. What occurs when we add or subtract one of these life giving ingredients is a new and different body, a new life. For IN RESPONSE, local artists Roin Morigeau and Dan McCann have worked collaboratively to create a new body. Using items solely found from McCann’s 30 years of studio archives and working independent of each other for the past five months in quarantine, Morigeau and McCann present IN RESPONSE as a joint experiment in creative isolation.